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Study guide

CDL handbook, guide and tips ready for you

Exam-like questions

Exam written & verified by experts with state-specific questions!

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96% users passed on the first try after taking our full course

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Learning or playing? Both! Complete round by round to reach your daily achievement and make a move on your learning part!

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Say goodbye to the old, frustrating traditional way of preparing for a driver’s license. CDL Prep Test helps you zero in on what you need to study in order to boost your CDL test score. It is the best way to prepare for the Commercial Drivers License General Knowledge, and various endorsement exams.

How can we help you with
CDL Prep Test: Drivers ed


Special notice and regulation at your STATE.

More effective

90% MORE EFFECTIVE than handbook with 600+ questions to practice.

Stay motivated

Stay motivated with passing probability

What did users say about us?


WOW! This app works amazing!! I took the Nebraska General, air brakes and combination test and I passed the very first time. It's definitely worth paying for!


A great help to my study. Without this app, I wouldn't have passed.

Russel Hannaz

Great app! Just got my class B permit yesterday! Highly recommend!


Help me a ton. Made things much easier. Recommend this to anyone getting their CDL.

A commercial driver’s license (CDL) is a driver’s license required to operate large, heavy, or placarded hazardous material
Are you looking for information about the CDL? And, how long does it take to get a CDL? Here, you will find the information you
CDL Endorsements and Restrictions can be part of Commercial Driver License. To become Permit Holders, you need to study

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