

  • Check for traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Decelerate gently.
  • Brake smoothly and, if necessary, change gears.
  • If necessary, come to a complete stop (no coasting) behind any stop sign, signals, idewalks, or stop lines, and maintain a safe gap.
  • You vehicle must not roll forward or backward.

Note: Do not enter the intersection if there is

When driving through an intersection:

  • Check for traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Decelerate and yield to any pedestrians and traffic in the intersection.
  • Do not change lanes while proceeding through the intersection.
  • Keep your hands on the wheel.

Once through the intersection:

  • Continue checking your mirror for traffic.
  • Accelerate smoothly and change gears as necessary.
  • Accelerate smoothly and change gears as necessary.
