Use turn signals and safely get into the lane needed for the turn.
As you approach the turn:
Use turn signals to warn others of your turn.
Slow down smoothly, change gears as needed to keep power, but do not coast unsafely. Unsafe coasting occurs when your vehicle is out of gear (clutch depressed or gearshift in Neutral) for more than the length of your vehicle.
If you must stop before making the turn:
Come to a smooth stop without skidding.
Come to a complete stop behind the stop line, crosswalk, or stop sign.
If stopping behind another vehicle, stop where you can see the rear tires on the vehicle ahead of you (safe gap).
Do not let your vehicle roll.
Keep the front wheels aimed straight ahead.
When ready to turn:
Check for traffic in all directions.
Keep both hands on the steering wheel during the turn.
Keep checking your mirror to make sure the vehicle does not hit anything on the inside of the turn.
The vehicle should not move into oncoming traffic.
The vehicle should finish the turn in the correct lane.
When ready to turn:
Make sure your turn signal is off.
Get up to the speed of traffic, use your turn signal, and move into the right-most lane when safe to do so (if not already there).